Author Archives: mriley
One of my goals is to do 1000 push ups.and to be a better dirt bike rider.I am hopeing to get over my conushen .and play baseball this year.
pearl harbor
pearl harbor was a bad insudent that happed on december 7 1941.The Japanese attckked by planes and boats.The attckked lasted two hours .The boats did most of the wreckig .The plane did not do that muck wreckig as the boats . There has five boas that did not get dsrored .A.K the names of the ships was the Arizonia.
chirstmas cuplets
C is for candy cand hat is so so sweet they are my favorite chirstmas treat

Candy cane dayton daily news
P lay freely
Live how you want
Y eat yumey food
Mmow your yard
On the army
U you can go to school
T the freed to be cool
Hunt deer and bears
I chose Plymouth because they are very important to American history. They have been in a ocean floor before they befor they whit england.they hunted in the winer and sring.
9/11 refection
I think that 9/11 was a very sad day. Many people died , a lot of people where hurt . What hapen is a tairist hijack a airplane and crash into one of the worldtrade shrter . Then more tairist hijacked one more plane. And crashed it into the 2 tauwer killing ever one a board of the plane. two more plane had been hijacked one in the penogon one in a flerd.
life in 5th grade
Life in 5th grade is good right now. I am very glad that I have great teachers. A lot of homework NO we have no homework. My science teacher is funny and HAS BIGFOOT.
Super Digital Citizen Hero
My superheros name is supermasen .My superhero can fly and he is very strong.
The Butterfly Weed
An extremly hardy long live perennial.Native to north America.The magnifilcent bright orange flowers are.conetraced in compact.